
Even in the storms, beauty can be found.

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In the midst of the storm, I stand in awe of the majestic power of our God.

When I look at these pics (which in no way do justice by what was actually seen), I see God’s masterpiece.

I see His power.

I see His hand.

I see His creation.

What a beautiful reminder of His omnipotent power. 

May the storms you are personally facing no longer have turbulence, but instead, you are secure in that you are not alone.

In the midst of the storms you are facing—may you stop. Be still. Look up. Your help comes from the maker of the heavens and the earth.

In the midst of the storms you are facing—may you gain a glimpse of the beauty around you. May you're perspective shift so that you can see the works of His hands in the midst.

#BeTheLight  #WeAllFaceStorms



